Homeostatic Imbalances with the Heart Heart disease refers to diseases that interfere with the proper functioning or supply of blood to the heart. Genetic predispositions, lack of physical activity, and certain foods are few of the many factors that can lead to heart disease. However, lifestyle changes can reduce its risk. Exercise improves blood circulation to cells, tissues, and organs, enhancing their function. If organs are deprived of blood, they do not receive an ample supp ly of oxygen, which could have severe consequences including death. A blood clot, known as a thrombus, and a cholesterol deposit, known as a plaque, can obstruct arteries, which prevents blood flow. If a thrombus and a plaque obstruct the coronary arteries, the myocardium of the heart will not receive enough blood to contract, resulting in a heart attack . During physical activity, the high velocity by which blood moves through arteries removes thrombi and plaques, lowering the risk ...